Tag Archives: SEO

How SEO And Web Accessibility Crossover

Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) is on May 18th, 2017, we thought it would be wise to delve into the convergence and crossover of SEO and website accessibility.

Disability and accessibility facts / figures:

Website development is a formidable wedlock between all types of web users and search engines.

Find out more about SEO and Web Accessibility…

What is SEO?

Each day millions of web surfers log on to search engines and enter in a search keyword to help them solve problems, find places, or just learn something new. Few of these web users probably have little to no idea how the websites presented in the search results pages wound up on the list, much less why they were presented in the order they were.
While each search engine has its own algorithms for comparing information on web pages to keywords searched, there is one overarching practice behind the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). This practice is known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and it is a technique employed by web marketers to boost rankings on search engines.

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[We’ll fix up your website’s user experience and get you on the right track with our SEO Services. Don’t get left behind…


Choose Easy To Use Websites. Choose WordPress.

The best way to describe who can use WordPress (WP) for business is everyone. From organisations on a shoestring budget to those spending millions on marketing, WordPress checks off a lot of boxes for a lot of companies. Sony Music, The Rolling Stones, TechCrunch and many other high-profile websites use the WordPress platform. Simplicity, easy to use Content Management System (CMS), flat designs templates and mobile-friendly websites are just a few of the great things about working with WP. An almost unlimited amount of support, from an energetic user community, is yet another benefit to making the choice to use WP for your own company, projects or even blogs.

Read the full blog by iAdControl.com.

Free Online Tools To Optimise Your Website

Auditing and adapting your website to increase your standing in search engines is a process known as Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). SEO is often a complicated process, but it can be made a great deal simpler by using the right web tools for the job. This guide takes a look at some of the most important types of tools you should have in your web inventory.

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Screaming Frog, Hidden Panda!

We had an epiphany and out came the words Screaming Frog, Hidden Panda derived from the 2001 movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. You’re probably thinking what kind of random blog is this? Well, let us go forth by explaining Google’s animalistic algorithm updates over the last few years…

Google Panda Update
Google Panda first surfaced in February 2011, this is where Google penalised websites that did not have high-quality content or not much content at all. Also, if your website had duplicate content, content that was not valuable or original or you didn’t update your website regularly then your ranking would have decreased a great deal. There have been subsequence Panda flux updates since then so don’t let the Kung Fu Panda take a kick on your website.

Read more about iAdControls blog…

Rank Up The SEO Algorithm With Quality Backlinks To Your Website

Backlinks have been around since the late 1990s, that’s almost like since Larry Page and his Co-founder Sergey Brin build the core of Google’s algorithm. Search engine treats links as a vote for popularity; It simply means the more websites that are linking to you the more importance search engine will associate to your website. The search engine crawlers use complex algorithms to carry out nuanced evaluations of web pages based on links pointing to websites.

Link building itself is the process of acquiring or building quality relevant links to your website for better ranking on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Links can also be earned when others are linking to your content. The links pointing to your web page is also known as inbound links.

Read the full blog at iAdControl.com

A beginners guide to SEO from the ground up workshop

Monday, 23 March 2015 from 15:30 to 17:30 (GMT) – London, United Kingdom

Are you a beginner to online marketing? Do you have a website that’s not working for you? Well, you have come to the right place! iAdControl.com are hosting a beginners SEO workshop to lay down the bricks so to speak. We will show you how to make immediate changes to your website, in turn increase your search performance on Google.

We will go through the website’s structure, right from the top of the browser to the bottom, and run through all the key elements you need to work on to start optimising your website. This will help you understand the basics of website optimisation and how so many factors effect SEO.

If you’re a student or an early stage start up then this workshop is for you.
So join us & make your website built for purpose!

Register for the free SEO workshop.

The Future is Intentional: Semantic Search

What is semantic search?

The word semantic means ‘relating to meaning in language or logic’.

Semantic search is the clarity of intent when it comes to search engines and delivers the user more meaningful results; it’s more accurate and succinct to the users intention as oppose to robotic search results. You could think of it like conversational search, which provides more targeted and meaningful search results from the most relevant sources. The contextualisation of keywords is known as semantic search. Semantic search checks for context and intended meaning behind these keywords.

You should use relevant keywords and phrases in a more natural manner on your website and not just calculated keywords that merely seem to be relevant to a search query. Your content must be relevant to your brand, business, services and most importantly to what the user is searching for. Your content must also be shareable as social search has become a key player for SEO and semantic search, particularly when it comes to Google profile.

Web Content Agency London

iAdControl helps you create accessible websites to meet basic Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

We advise, contribute, and market online businesses by integrating on-page SEO (Search Engine Optimisation).

In a nutshell, we help optimise websites to get you connected with search engines and all types of users.

Our Web Marketing Services in a nutshell:

  1. Web Design & Development
  2. On-page SEO
  3. Web Analytics Integration
  4. Social Media Integration
  5. Website review
  6. Content Management

Visit iAdControl.com for a free twenty minute website consultation today!

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